Piece by Piece Strategies
Building capacity by developing community-based & culturally relevant strategies for individuals, organizations, and ecosystems
Infinity Theorem
Capacity Building
Equitable Resource Growth
Our grantmaking focuses on how we make the greatest impact on the issue area and in the sector – not measuring organization by organization or cycle by cycle performance.
Trusting Learning Communities
We build deep partnerships to break the isolation between leaders and organizations
Idea Accelerator
The idea accelerator brings expertise, landscape analysis, and infrastructure together to launch new programs, convene critical conversations, and experiment through centering the needs of the sector.
About Us
Piece by Piece strategies is a consulting firm founded by Jessica Pierce and Bryan Perlmutter. With a combined over two decades of experience developing, scaling, and integrating campaigns, electoral initiatives and training programs the firm was launched to grow the capacity of the sector to thrive.
We believe that the art and science of building plans and campaigns are teachable and we can strengthen networks to tackle the current and emerging challenges in the landscape.

Support Our Work
We believe that the art and science of building plans and campaigns are teachable and we can strengthen networks to tackle the current and emerging challenges in the landscape. We believe that the social justice and electoral ecosystems have all the pieces in place to win – we see our role as growing and aligning the pieces in the ecosystem to ensure that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
All contributions will go directly towards capacity building projects. For more information contact us.
Reach out today to discuss how Piece By Piece Strategies can partner with you on your next project